
August 6, 2012

r&r at central park.

we met todd up at central park after work for dinner. lately, we've spent our evenings curled up on the couch watching the olympics, while spooning chocolate-covered pomegranates into our mouth at a world-record pace. so in short, it was a relief—to our minds & bellies—to spend the evening out. harper enjoyed playing with her friend's ball that she seemed to have swiped {sorry emma, we'll get that back to you} and also discovered grass. what a city girl!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are such a cute little family!

    Summer evenings are the best. I think I've missed summer evenings in Central Park the most from our time in NYC.

    Also, it's nice to look to you as someone who looks great after having a baby! I need reminding as my waistline continues to expand!


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