
August 28, 2011

in the eye of the storm.

well, where do i begin?
a) we are a little disappointed
b) we are even more relieved

a month ago exactly, while sitting in sunday school, we were told we were having a stake-wide lesson that day about hurricane preparedness. since the last hurricane to hit nyc occurred three decades ago, we all had a good laugh. let's just say it was the last type of preparedness i could ever imagine having while living in this city. after the lesson, todd and i did as counseled and followed up with our own family home evening lesson consisting of checking the readiness of our 72-hour kits and developing our family plan-of-action.

as you know, the 2011 nyc hurricane has come and gone, and looking back, there is no disputing the inspiration our leaders were blessed with in order to teach and prepare us as they did. truly amazing! as my dad said, someone needs to write an ensign article about this!!

although we didn't have to dip into our food storage or use up our 72-hour kits, we, along with the rest of the city, are prepared for our next hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or other natural—or unnatural— disaster.

i love new york city. i love my church. and i love my newly stocked pantry! go irene!!


  1. It wasn't just a stake wide topic - we had the same lesson here in Connecticut. I think the whole East Coast had it, since the topic came from the area authorities over the East Coast. Even more amazing, huh? So glad you guys are safe!

  2. We had some hurricane preparedness in our ward too. There is no doubt the church was inspired to teach this to the saints in the area. The main thing I took away from the whole hurricane experience (aside from a huge sense of disappointment - come on, Irene! Not even a power outage?), was gratitude for a church that emphasizes being prepared. I felt at peace knowing that we were ready no matter what happened.

  3. Casey, I just read that you are expecting! Congratulations, that is so exciting. You are such a darling pregnant girl.


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