
September 19, 2012

making baby food.

being the overzealous mother that i am, i have been psyched from day 1 about making baby food for little harps. 
but also being the overbooked mother that i am, i didn't quite get to it for over 6 months. 
that said i finally pulled out my baby bullet, dusted it off and got cookin'. 

and i was so surprised how easy it was to use.

avocado + water = done
seriously, it's that easy.

and 1 avocado yields 6 servings. 
that's like $15 worth of baby food!! 

i'm a such a fan.  

if you're thinking of homemade baby food, i would highly recommend it. 
not only does it make sense economically, but you also know exactly what's going into your little one's body. 


  1. Great pics. Love em. But... no chips with that guacamole?

  2. So glad to hear you like it! I got the Baby Brezza and I can't wait to try it in a few months.

  3. casey, she just keeps getting cuter!

  4. i'm so happy you are using your baby bullet. and that avocado looks so good on harper lou


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