
April 12, 2013

tagging along to geneva.

todd had business that was taking him to geneva, so naturally harps and i had to tag along. i mean, he was staying in the four seasons... so even if we just stayed in bed all day i would have considered it a success!

on the days todd worked, harps and i would grab a chocolate croissant in the morning and then head out to get lost in the streets {and fill up on swiss chocolate. hello!} geneva is quite the beautiful city. it is separated by a clear blue lake inhabited by entertaining swans and ducks—aka harper's main attraction.

Our last night, we headed to la bergerie du gruyerian for the most delicious swiss fondue, raclette, and cured meats. while todd briefly stepped out to push harper to sleep, i took it upon myself to order for us because clearly i had become a french-speaking connoisseur by this point. not!  to say i ordered too much was an understatement. when todd got back i told him i had no idea what i ordered. we were pleasantly surprised.

on our way home, todd caught a separate flight, so it was just me and harps flying solo. given the flight was only a little over 1 hour, it was supposed to be a breeze...and it was for the first half. but as the plane started to descend, harper woke up in a crying and coughing fit. remember my car-sick girl in ireland? {reminder here} well, it was happening again. and 20,000 ft in the air. with 300 other people! 

i'll spare you of the details, but let's just say i was cleaning out the inside of my boots when i got home. i kept my cool and stripped harper of her clothes. learning from my past mistake in ireland, i was sure to bring an extra pair of clothes for me and harps on the flight. so as soon as we landed, we ran to the bathroom to change. 

as we were waiting in the ridiculously long customs line, harper decided to get sick again. i couldn't believe it. by this point, i lost my cool and started sobbing. IN THE MIDDLE OF CUSTOMS! there was harper sitting on the floor crying, and me kneeling on the floor cleaning up her throw up...crying. we were a circus act. by this point we had attracted, well, the entire customs line. and i have to say that i was blown away and humbled by how helpful and understanding everyone was around us. i had people handing me tissues, while others were entertaining my sick child. once cleaned up, we were quickly helped through customs, partly because i'm sure the airport couldn't handle another cleanup on aisle 9.

knowing we have a flight back to the states in a month makes me die a little inside. 


  1. This post is too funny! Those pics of harper are killing me. Love you guys!

  2. Oh how I love Switzerland...I want to move there next. Oh man, I so know that craziness of traveling alone with your babe and a million things are going wrong with the entire airport watching. I'm sorry! Sounds like you handled it with grace, all things considered. Love seeing your travels!

    1. Handling with grace is a long shot, but I handled it. :) I love seeing y'all's adventures too! Bali, Burma--I love it!

  3. Geneva is so beautiful and swiss cheese fondue is so delicious. Oh and who could pass some good swiss chocolate.

    Poor Harper and poor mama of course. This girl sure doesn't like traveling, huh? Maybe there is something for motion sickness you could give here for the flight to the states. You are not moving back already, are you?

    1. Since being back, I was very quick to pick up a few things for motion sickness! Poor girl, I don't want a repeat!

  4. Oh no!!! I am so sad thinking of you crying in the customs line! I'm glad there were kind strangers there to lend a hand.

    Aside from that, it looks like such a fabulous trip!!

  5. Oh my goodness! I can't believe this story. I'm so sorry!
    However, the pictures are darling & you guys look like you are having lots of fun!


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