
October 3, 2009

"he flies through the air with the greatest of ease..."

NYC Trapeze School!
At this point, I think Todd was a little skeptical of the situation. He thought carny folk might jump down from the rafters as the two-headed man came out of the closet.
I was really surprised how quickly everything went down. They trained for their first jump for about 3 minutes and then were up on the ladder and jumping before you knew it.
Todd climbing up the ladder for his first jump. He said the scariestthing about this whole experience was just the ladder climb itself!
Back Flip Dismount
Grand Finale


  1. YES!! I've been waiting for this!! Klane and I were seriously impressed watching that, no kidding. Todd did amazing! Forget his job, he should join the circus! jk jk. Anyway that was AWESOME! I know we all laughed last night, but that actually looks like it was a ton of fun!

  2. I am so jealous! I wanted to do this so badly when I was there. So was it worth it?!

  3. That was so awesome! You looked like you knew what you were doing--a real trapeze artist! You always wanted to fly and now you have!!

  4. AWESOME!!! I always knew you had some Carny in you...

  5. You were flying through with the greatest of ease. Now your'e ready to take away the safety ropes and nets, right? Looks like a great time. What a cool b-day present!

  6. It was so worth it! Now, I want to go back to the beginner session and Todd wants to take the intermediate. haha It was such a rush.

  7. My Brother-in-law is quite the trapeseist, if you ask me!!


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