
July 8, 2010

time flies...

...when you're cleaning!
wow, i've really neglected my poor blog haven't i?

i spent the last week at my parent's house
helping with a bit of spring cleaning—16 years worth!

having been emotionally unattached to half the stuff in there, 
i was a human bulldozer crushing everything in sight.
{except for when it came to my stuff, of course}

being the organized freak i am,
i enjoyed cleaning as much as the 'rents enjoyed the results!


  1. Oh I bet you had such a fun time at home! I hope Todd survived Lake Powell with the scouts. (Jealous he got to go, not so jealous he had to go with scouts.) You are making me so excited for my trip home next week! Can't wait to see more pics from your visit.

  2. Oh and in answer to your comment, I got my swimsuit from Down East. And I am going home on the 15th for ten days! SO excited. Especially excited to get out of this humidity and breathe some of that cool mountain air. :)

  3. haha this made me laugh out loud..
    You better have not thrown out any of my stuff or else!!!!

  4. Those fabric photo albums look eerily familar!! I don't know if you've heard from Todd but Chuck called last night (who knew you could get phone service at Lake Powell!) and said everything was going great and they were having a lot of fun. Yea! Now you're back in hot steamy NYC--call me sometime!

  5. The "'rents" here. We were so glad you came out to Plano to spend time with us bulldozin' the place. We already miss you! There's still lots to do... Aargh!!! Love your guts!


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