last week we kid sat {*were kid sitting? watched kids? sat on kids?? hmmm…}, and i got a taste of what'd it be like to have FOUR girls. and to be honest, it was pretty awesome. i could totally rock that all-girl thing. i would need some extra chocolate hidden in my cupboards, but i could do it. and so could harper. ohhhh that girl was in heaven. and she has never ever slept so well at the end of the day. i was having to wake her each morning and for all naps. yeah, i could get used to that…
the girls were all out of school for the week so we kept busy with museums, parks, and a lot of scooter rides. and when friday came around, we all drove down to bath for the day. it was a quick two-hour drive, and probably only quick since the car was equipped with tvs—another thing i could get used to. then we spent the rest of the day picnicking, wandering around, and indulging on sweets. it was blue, beautiful, fudge-filled day. :)
***river avon runs through the city centre. such a pretty waterfront. we also picnicked on that beautiful green lawn, and fended off all the ducks as we did so. ***
***half our motivation to drive to bath was for their fudge. smooth. rich. fudge! and well worth the drive.***
***the royal crescent***
***each of my little princesses wanted a flower crown, so we spent a good hour at the royal crescent lawn picking little daisies and weaving them into crowns. since todd didn't want a crown, we was dubbed our photographer :)***
So cute! I grew up with 3 sisters and no brothers. A total blast, we are all bffs. Love seeing what you guys are up to in London!